• We protect biodiversity,

  • We protect biodiversity,

  • We protect biodiversity,

We protect flora and fauna present in over 400,000 hectares of native forest, for current and future generations. We monitor changes in biodiversity, conserve priority species and drive initiatives for prevention and restoration.

High Conservation Value Areas

All forests contain environmental, social and economic values that need to be protected. We manage biodiversity and ecosystem services in our forestland by identifiying and protecting High Conservation Value Areas (HCVAs).

Parques para
proteger y conocer

Oncol Park

Oncol Park

Ubicado en Valdivia, Chile, conserva en forma virgen la exuberante selva valdiviana.

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[:es]Parque Coyanmahuida[:en]Coyanmahuida Park[:]

[:es]Parque Coyanmahuida[:en]Coyanmahuida Park[:]

En la Región del Bio Bio, Chile, se puede encontrar peumo, lingue, roble y enredaderas.

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[:en]San Jorge Nature Reserve[:es]Reserva San Jorge[:]

[:en]San Jorge Nature Reserve[:es]Reserva San Jorge[:]

Located in Misiones, Argentina, plants and animals compose this incredible, wild ecosystem.

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